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Date Night Box of Love 💌 Non-Alcoholic Cocktails ♥️

Regular price £44.00

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What Is Inside A Subscription Box

  • A full sized bottle of non-alcoholic spirit
  • Multiple mixers & garnishes
  • Cocktail of the month ingredients 
  • 2x snacks
  • Bonus bottles of ready to drink non-alcoholic drinks
  • 20 page members magazine - interviews, real life stories & recipes.

*Note, this is for our monthly, bi-monthly & quarterly boxes

How To Enjoy

Every box has been custom created to help you discover drinks that complement each other, appeal to different occasions and tastes and aren't easily found in shops or supermarkets. New discoveries with every box!

All you have to do is get the ice and glassware, and we will bring the rest to your door.

Why Subscribe?

Non-alc drinks are rapidly growing and expanding - it is the fastest growing drinks category and is by far the most exciting. The focus now is QUALITY!

By subscribing, you get to discover drinks you may not ordinarily try, enjoy drinks you thought you may never order, learn how to mix and serve non-alc cocktails and get your hands on brand new launches first.

Plus, you get to enjoy the 25% discount and heaps of rewards with every box!

There is something that makes us feel far more relaxed when we have a drink in hand. But it turns out, it is mostly about the glassware, ritual and flavour of the drink over the booze. This box is designed to enjoy together. Those who discover together, stay together.. I think that is the quote?

Date night idea. Why don't you make 3 cards for 3 cocktails and score each one. Do you have the same favourite or do you have completely different tastes?

What's Included? A Valentine's themed box filled with a full sized bottle of 0% spirit, 6 drinks to pair with it & drink solo, plus garnishes & snacks.

Look away now if you want a surprise! 

  • Full Sized Bottle Non-Alc Spirit - Wilfred Aperitif
  • Twelve Below - Rhubarb Tonic
  • Virtue Drinks - Strawberry & Lime
  • UMRI - Pomegranate & Raspberry
  • OTO - Blood Orange Seltzer
  • Pentire's Ready To Drink Paloma Cocktail
  • LA Brewery Blush - Sparkling Rosé
  • Garnishes & Snacks


  1. 50ml Wilfred's over ice in a rocks glass topped with Rhubarb Tonic, Strawberry & Lime Virtue, UMRI Pomegranate & Raspberry or OTO Blood Orange. All can be enjoyed with Wilfred's or can be enjoyed solo too.
  2. LA Brewery's Blush served cold divided between two champagne flutes
  3. Salt rim a 2 glasses and divide the cold Paloma between them.

What Members Are Saying

Join Thousands of Members Across the UK!

JOMO Club members are the best in the world (okay we might be a little bias). They love to discover, experiment and we are a little shy to say, they tell us often how much they love the club!

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